

@martin Since my teens I’ve what can only really be described as tender feet. They bruise easily for want of a better description, I get quite a bit of toe joint pain including occasional toe and ankle gout flare ups, heels especially get very sore from standing or walking too much on hard ground. I can’t stand much pressure on the tendons (heel hooking, hard leather shoes against Achilles, running on sand etc). I still get odd sharp twinges of plantar ligament pain (basically cramp/tension related) but I haven’t had a proper limping and falling down when getting out of bed flare up in years. Soft shoes and a bit of rest when they’re sore manages them fine. Your experience may differ but mine seem quite manageable although my expectations are adjusted.

Try the cheap insoles, you’ve nothing to lose. Stretching feet and calves especially and every time before getting up from chairs and bed to walk will yield the biggest gains in my experience.
